We're back and I have PLENTY of pictures for you!
My hubby and I had a WONDERFUL time, this was our first longest yardsale vacation and it was WELL worth it! We decided to choose one state, thank goodness, because we really didn't get through half of it... we chose Kentucky.
Mark hitched up our 24ft cargo trailer to the truck and away we went...
The sale ran from Aug. 5th -8th...we decided to start on the 6th, figuring that there would be more on Friday than on Thursday, from what we were told. We headed to the bottom of K.Y. close to the border of T.N.
I apologize in advance, I admit, I forgot my camera on the truck seat many times in my frenzied EXCITED haste to flee to awaiting front lawns! ( :

As soon as Mark turned on to 127, my eyes popped... the choirs sang...behold, I was in my glory!

and on and on, as far as the eyes could see, it was YARDSALE HEAVEN!

look at all the vintage buttons, lots of vintage sewing supplies under this tent!
Hmmmm...what would they look like painted pink??...NOT!
"Hey Mark, I DARE you to try them on for $20.00"...saved by the "cell"...that phone is going to stick there one of these days!

There were carnivals and fairs too...

My dad collects vintage lanterns, I mean HE COLLECTS VINTAGE LANTERNS...has HUNDREDS of them! BUT, I FOUND five that he DID NOT have...in my dad's words when I called,..."That's
where the GOOD OL'E BOYS are, GOOD OL'E BOY country!" I'm thrilled that I was able to add to my dad's collection. Now that's a habit I don't mind supporting!

It was a long, but fun trip, we didn't quite fill the trailer, but I bought MANY great finds and I'll show them to you in my next set of pictures.
First of all, my hubby Mark is the best...the patience of a Saint! It's a wonderful feeling when you have a husband, partner & friend that has the same interests and likes as you do. I CAN BE, more than I like to admit, over-bearing, pushy, picky, winey...he puts up with me. I'm greatful and blessed to have him by my side, LOVE YOU!
NOW, the big reveal!
MY favorite item from the entire trip...
LOVED this vanity as soon as I saw it! Not to mention the price was RIGHT...$30.00!
Here's an overview of all my goodies...

Nice $5.00 coffee table! 
Traincase, metal cracker caddy and a complet set of Lady Baltimore Sasparilla advertisement playing cards...check at the end of this post for a giveaway!

All the crochet table cloths and doilies I bought for 50. each...last day sale! Loved this lamp too!
Two sewing drawers, plates for my mosaics and vintage rose Avon containers!
Fabrics and vintage wooden LARGE spools that I plan on making into hat stands!
LOVE vintage postcards! These are from 1908-1910...
While I was in Kenturcky, my Mom was at a local town-wide yardsale...she always finds the BEST "STUFF" things that I need or I'm looking for...Mom always seems to find them! My Mom and her friend Barbara...thanks for the pillowcases Barbara!!...found alot of great things...

Sweet lamps...

Pretty vintage pillowcases for my pillowcase dresses! 
A bag of glass prisms for my shabby chandeliers...
Thanks again Mom!!
I would like to include a few tips that I learned to make your trip a bit easier if you plan on attending next years world's longest yardsale.
~Bring a cooler with ice and drinks, especially water.~
~Pick a state, don't try to do more than you can, there's always next year.~
~Add up the mileage on 127 bottom of state to top of state. Allow about 12-15 miles a day and make your motel reservations at the end of every 20-25 miles. You can always cancel reservations or back-track to sales.~
~Bring sun screen, wear sneakers, and wear a sun viser.~

~*~Lady Baltimore Cards~*~
I'm SEPERATING my set of playing cards and offering one of each image FREE to my blogger buddies! Just email me your address at Lynallen2@hughes.net if you want to keep your address private or comment below with your address included and I will mail you out one (single card) of each image while supplies last! These are GREAT pictures to use with Photo Shop Pro, very clean and clear images for pillows or put them in a small frame!
**You will receive 2 single playing cards, 1 pink image and 1 yellow image of the girls from my set that I'm breaking up, until each card from my two decks are dispursed.**
Thanks for stopping by!
See you this Pink Saturday,